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Leaf Blower Won’t Start-What are the Most Common Reasons

Trying to figure out why your leaf blower won’t start can be tricky. Common reasons why a gas-powered leaf blower won’t power up include a worn spark plug, clogged carburetor, or old fuel in the gas tank. In most cases, finding solutions to fixing a leaf blower that won’t start is relatively straightforward. With some troubleshooting, you can usually quickly determine the problem.

Leaf Blower Won’t Start

A leaf blower is an invaluable power tool for clearing up the yard. But it’s frustrating in the fall when you get ready to clean fallen leaves, and the leaf blower won’t start up. In many cases, the reasons are connected to do with regular maintenance. That’s why it’s vital to perform annual maintenance and store the power tool in the right conditions.

What are the most common reasons your leaf blower fails to start? This article examines why pulling the blower’s starting cord doesn’t get the leaf blower engine going. At the end of the article, you’ll find out other typical leaf blower problems and how to fix them.

10 Reasons Why Your Leaf Blower Won’t Start

Several reasons can stop a leaf blower from starting. When diagnosing the issue, it’s best to address the most common reasons to resolve the problem. If they don’t work, then more investigation is necessary to get to the root of the starting issue. Please read on to find out why you can’t start your leaf blower and how to resolve the problem.

1. Damaged or worn spark plug means a leaf blower won’t start

The condition of the spark plug is the first thing to check if your leaf blower doesn’t start. Check for signs of damage, cracks, or a heavy carbon buildup on the electrode. Without a good spark, no combustion will occur, and the engine won’t power up. Use a spark plug tester to determine if that’s the cause of start-up failure.

Tip #1 It’s also a good idea to replace the spark plug annually as part of your yearly leaf blower maintenance.

2. Clogged carburetor could be the reason a leaf blower doesn’t start

The second most common reason a leaf blower fails to start is a blocked carburetor. Without a clean carburetor, the air and fuel mixture will not cause combustion. A clogged carburetor will splutter a lot, and the engine will fail to start.

Leaf blower carburetors get clogged when fuel is left in the fuel tank too long. Leftover fuel evaporates over several months, leaving thick, sticky fuel inside the engine. Therefore, using a carburetor cleaner solution is necessary to remove the buildup. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the carburetor.

Tip #2 Always empty the fuel tank when the leaf blower is not used for extended periods. This not only prevents issues with bad fuel causing problems starting the blower, but it’s also safer because you reduce the risk of fuel igniting.

3. A leaf blower will not start because of a clogged fuel filter

A blocked fuel filter is another reason you can’t start your leaf blower. As, the engine needs the right amount of air to start a gas-powered leaf blower with one or two pulls of the starting cord. Causes of a blocked fuel filter is the same as a blocked carburetor—leaving fuel in the tank too long.

Tip #3 The best solution to get your leaf blower working again is to replace the fuel filter.

4. Leaf blower not starting because of a blocked air filter

A clogged air filter can prevent internal combustion, making starting a leaf blower impossible. Replacing a dirty air filter is another part of regular leaf blower maintenance.

Tip #4 Your leaf blower will be easier to start and operate more efficiently with a clean air filter .

5. Dirty fuel in the tank makes it difficult to start a leaf blower

A common reason for a leaf blower failing to start is old fuel in the gas tank. Usually, fuel left in the blower starts to deteriorate after 30 days. However, fuel will become thick, sludgy, and unusable after six months.

Tip #5 If fuel is the cause of start-up failure, the easiest solution is to replace the two-stroke oil/gas mixture with fresh fuel. You may also need to clean the carburetor and replace the fuel filter at the same time.

6. The wrong fuel mixture for two-stroke leaf blowers

Two-stroke gas leaf blowers require the correct mixture of oil and gas. The ideal ratio is 1 gallon of gas with around 2.6 fl. oz. of oil. If you get this mixture right and the internal parts of the blower are in good order, you should have no issue starting the engine.It’s good to remember that four-stroke leaf blowers don’t require an oil and gas mixture.

Tip #6 Therefore, if your four-cycle blower doesn’t start, you can dismiss the fuel mixture as a reason it won’t power up.

7. Leaf Blower Won’t Start because the recoil starter pulley is broken

Suppose you’re using fresh fuel, replaced the filters, and cleaned the carburetor, and the leaf blower still won’t start—what then? In that case, you must check the starter system for problems. For example, the recoil starter could be broken, making it impossible to get the leaf blower working.

Pulling the starter rope should turn the engine, creating internal combustion and kicking the leaf blower into life. If the starter pulley and cam don’t engage with the engine, you will never start it, regardless of how many times you pull the cord.

Tip #7 Replacing the recoil starter, is the solution.

8. Problems with the rewind spring may be why your Leaf Blower Won’t Start

The rewind spring is a crucial part of the starting system, and if it’s broken, the leaf blower’s engine won’t start. The rewind spring recoils the starter rope after you pull it.

Tip #7 If the spring is broken, it’s best to replace the entire rewind spring and pulley system.

9. Clogged spark arrestor stops a leaf blower from starting

A common problem preventing a leaf blower from starting is if the spark arrestor is clogged. The spark arrestor is a small screen that stops tiny sparks from being emitted by the engine. If the arrester is clogged with soot, the engine won’t start.

When the spark arrestor is blocked, the best solution is to clean the screen with a wire brush. If that was the issue, then the leaf blower should start without a problem the next time.

10. Leaf Blower Won’t Start could it be a Defective ignition coil

The ignition coil is crucial to starting a leaf blower. Therefore, if it’s defective, the blower may not start. The ignition coil sends current to the spark plug while the engine is working. So, if the spark plug is working correctly and the blower won’t start, then it is best to replace the ignition coil.

Is My Leaf Blower Flooded?

two stroke leaf blower

Leaf blower flooding happens when the air and gas mixture is too rich. It can also happen with multiple attempts to start the leaf blower. You can usually tell if the blower’s motor is flooded by a strong gas odor.

If your leaf blower is flooded, this is what you should do to start it if you have a fuel injection model:

  • Close the choke by setting the leaver to “run” to trap more air in the unit
  • Next, turn the throttle lever to the “fast” position
  • Then pull the starter cord until the engine starts

To start a flooded leaf blower that has a carburetor, this is what you should do:

  • Remove the cover of the air filter and open the carburetor
  • Then, remove the air filter
  • Next, pull the starter cord several times until the engine kicks into life
  • Lastly, cut the blower’s engine and replace the air filter.

Why Does My Gas Leaf Blower Keep Stalling?

A leaf blower that continually stalls usually has issues with the fuel filter, air filter, or fuel lines. For smooth operation, a gas leaf blower needs the correct mixture of air and fuel. Therefore, a stalling leaf blower is usually an indication of air blockages in the system. Or it could be that the fuel line is snagged or damaged.

If the leaf blower doesn’t idle correctly or keeps stalling, you will need to locate the blockage. This means checking the fuel mixture, carburetor, and filters. If necessary, you should replace filters and clean the carburetor from old fuel residue. Doing this will usually resolve the problem of a leaf blower stalling.

Why Is My Leaf Blower Only on Choke?

A leaf blower that only works on choke usually indicates an issue with the air-fuel mixture. A lean air-fuel mixture means that the engine doesn’t get adequate fuel.

The result of poor air flow causes the leaf blower to splutter idle incorrectly. To resolve this, people usually apply choke to send more fuel to the engine. However, this can result in inefficiency and damage to the engine.

To stop a leaf blower from only working on choke, you will need to adjust the idle screw. First, you should start the leaf blower, then slowly adjust the screw to the left or right until the blower idles correctly without shutting off.

Leaf Blower Troubleshooting

There can be several reasons why you can’t start your gas leaf blower. Therefore, it’s good to troubleshoot the issue, starting with the most common problems. Here is a troubleshooting guide to putting life back into your leaf blower.

  • Check fuel levels and if the gas tank isn’t empty, replace the fuel with a fresh fuel mix.
  • Determine if the motor is flooded. If so, check the user manual for instructions on draining the engine.
  • Check the filters to ensure they are free from debris, soot, and other blockages.
  • Inspect the spark plug to see if it’s cracked or has a black, sooty buildup around the electrode.

What should you do if a corded leaf blower or a cordless leaf blower won’t start? Usually, issues with electric leaf blowers are due to the power source.

If you have a corded model, check if the extension cord is working correctly. Other reasons why an electric leaf blower won’t start include a bad contact or a blown fuse.

A cordless leaf blower that won’t start is usually caused by a poorly-charged battery. So the first step should be to recharge the battery to see if that works. If not, you may need to replace the rechargeable battery.

Conclusion to Leaf Blower Won’t Start

There are usually several simple reasons why a leaf blower fails to start. Before taking it to the repair shop, check the obvious reasons it doesn’t power up—clogged filters, a dirty carburetor, or old fuel. However, if replacing the fuel, filters, and cleaning the carburetor doesn’t work, you may need to contact a specialized repair shop to get the leaf blower working again.